Saturday 4th of March
“Do not be anxious about anything.”
Philippians 4:6-7
What does peace mean to us? A lack of anxiety is possibly what comes first to mind, maybe a list of all the things in our lives that could be better or easier. God tells us that his peace exceeds anything we can understand. Yet, even if this is hard to take in, we can still choose to be intentional this Lent in our prayer by taking a chance on it!
Perhaps when we start the day, we can hand over our pre-existing worries, the areas where we lack peace to Him. Or during the day, notice what we do when we experience our peace being disturbed, what habit/s have we developed in response? As we are present to notice what we usually do, God invites us to turn this moment over to Him in prayer, to be open to receive the peace he has promised to guard our minds and hearts.