Tuesday 23rd of July

“My mother and my brothers are anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven.”

Matthew 12:46-50

How would the disciples have felt when Jesus told them that they were part of His family? He was their master and teacher and they came to realise that He was the Son of God. Now, Jesus was telling them at they were not merely His followers, or even His trusted disciples or friends. He was their brother and they were all part of God’s family.

When have we felt part of God’s family? What does it mean to us that Jesus is our brother and Mary is our spiritual mother? We all have imperfect human families and we may have divisions in our family. We may never have had brothers or sisters or some of our close family may have passed on. But we know that we always have the perfect Father, the perfect brother in Jesus and our perfect Mother Mary in heaven if we do God’s will. Thank you, Jesus, for inviting us to be part of Your family, the church on Earth. Help us to always rely on You, especially when we don’t feel supported in our faith by our human family and friends.

2024-07-23 – Weekly Reading 1