Wednesday 17th of July

“You have hidden these things from the wise and revealed them to little children.

Matthew 11:25-27

In our reading today, Jesus reminds us that we are all children of God. By looking at Jesus and learning from him, we know how to love unconditionally, forgive, and be kind, compassionate, and understanding.

As children, we are often more open to receiving and absorbing Jesus’ love and teachings. However, as adults, our pride, ego, and self-centeredness can prevent us from hearing and seeing God’s love and will. Yet, today, Jesus calls us all to be humble and to open our hearts to him. He longs to come in, and stay with us, and guide us on the right path. Do we allow Jesus to reveal his plans for us? Are we actively striving to be children of Christ who follow his teachings?


2024-07-17 – Weekly Reading 2