Thursday 30th of November
St Andrew
‘I will make you fishers of men’”
Matthew 4:18-22
Today’s passage is one we can imagine before us. Jesus said ‘Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ What is it about Jesus that drew Andrew, Simon, James and John to drop everything and follow him? What first drew us to follow Jesus? The call from Jesus changed their lives forever. They not only heard the word of Jesus, but acted on it. What do we need to leave behind so we can be more responsive to the word of God? Are we open to following Jesus in complete trust and generosity?
On this feast day of St Andrew, we can also ask for his intercession as we pray for a greater openness and responsivenesstoGod’scallinourlives. Heisalsothe patron of Russia and Ukraine, so we may also pray for his intercession for an end to the war in these regions and around the world.