Tuesday 3rd of October

 “Jesus sets out for Jerusalem.”

Luke 9:51-56

St John mentions four times when Jesus enters Jerusalem. St Luke only writes about Jesus entering Jerusalem once, when He enters triumphantly before His Passion and His being taken up to heaven. St Luke is emphasising that Jesus knew that He would face His suffering and death, but He still set out resolutely for Jerusalem. The Samaritan people, who Jesus was visiting, did not welcome Him because they did not worship God in Jerusalem, but in another place. So Jesus faced opposition from people around Him as well as a hard road ahead.

Have do we face obstacles in our faith? Are we open in prayer when our Father gives us a challenging task, such as loving a difficult person, or sharing our faith with people who may not be interested? If we look to Jesus, we see that He focused on His Father’s will. He prayed to know what His mission was and to receive His Father’s strength to carry it out. Jesus, please help us to follow in your footsteps in our spiritual journey and to rely on you to carry us when we feel that we want to give up.

2023-10-03 Weekly Reading 1