Thursday 2nd of November
All Souls Day
“You have hidden these things from the wise and revealed them to little children.”
Matthew 11:25-30
Today, Jesus reminds us of the importance of having a childlike faith; trusting and having a humble dependence on him for everything. When Jesus taught the crowds, it was the childlike who accepted his teachings and miracles, but the wise and learned like the scribes and Pharisees, rejected them. What is our attitude when we come to pray? Are we open, humble and ready to receive?
On All Souls Day, we also remember those who have died and pray for them. If we are grieving their loss, or burdened in any other way by failure, pain, loss, shame, guilt, depression or hopelessness, we can take comfort from the last lines of today’s passage as we come and share our burdens with Jesus today. Thank you, Jesus, that you give us true rest when we come and spend time with you.