Friday 27th of October
“Do you not know how to interpret these times?”
Luke 12:54-59
Jesus wants us to be attentive to the many signs in our lives. Some of the signs we receive are from God. Other signs or clues may come from the people in our lives, be they family, friends or strangers. Then there are the signs we can obtain from all the turmoil and pain in our lives and in our world. Though many of these signs are violent, painful and tragic, there also is great beauty, love and self-giving in the midst of all the pain and tragedy.
How do you interpret the present time? Do you ignore it, or do you pray for the many people in our world who struggle every day, in the midst of violence, terrorism, starvation or poverty? Or are we tempted to ignore the pain and suffering in our world as we go about our day? Today may we be mindful of the multitudes of people in our world who are in dire need of love, care and prayer. If we are not mindful and caring of them, we are not living our lives as children of God.