Wednesday 12th of July
“’Go to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.’
Matthew 10:1-7
Today, Jesus is calling us by name and giving us the authority to go out to his people to share the Word of God and our faith with them. Depending on where we are in our spiritual journey, we may feel a mixture of feeling: trusted, overwhelmed, honoured, shy or unwilling. However, we may feel Jesus calls us and entrusts us with his mission.
We are the chosen ones, and he is confident that through prayer and our personal relationship with him, we will overcome our feelings and thoughts and let him guide us. We are well equipped with his love, mercy, and forgiveness; He knows our capacities.
Today we might recall how Jesus has helped us in the past. We may also remember how Jesus saved us and transformed us into better people. He would also like us to do the same to those in need, in despair, hopeless and thirsty for him. Can we share the Word of God with others or encourage people to pray? Do we feel privileged and special that Jesus hand-picked us to be his disciples? Do we allow Jesus to use us as his instrument?