Friday 14th of April
“Jesus stepped forward, took the bread and gave it to them, and the same with the fish.”
John 21:1-14
At times, Jesus appears to us in differing guises. It is not always clear that it is Jesus who is with us. Yet, we may have a sense that this person was sent to us for a purpose, even though we may not know what that purpose is. Jesus comes to us every day! Jesus will talk with us and nourish us with his word and his body, in the Eucharist and through one another! How alert are our minds, hearts and senses to His coming?
Jesus always gives us surprises that we can’t even imagine. We may not have physically witnessed the empty tomb, but we just know He is alive. He lives in
us and every day, we experience His presence. Jesus fills our heart with peace and joy even during the times when we are in the darkest moment of our souls. This is the power of the resurrection. We experience the freedom only God’s love can unleash. The chain of fear that has oppressed us is finally broken. Let us allow ourselves to be continuously nourished by Jesus’ words and His unfailing love